Paris Silence
by Stéphane Gizard
22x30 cm 350 pages couleur
Paris Silence, Paris deserted. Would we have ever have imagined the heart of France, his capital, to get rid of its coating of noises and pollution of all kinds? In 1940, during
the German occupation yes. 80 years later, defeated by a more devious enemy, Paris
knelt down and undressed in the mild weather. The locals hid in their homes becausethey were asked to. And this is of course the moment that a photographer chooses to goout. His name is Stéphane Gizard and he knew that from this unique moment a sparkof grace could arise: The thousand and one images which offered themselves to his goaland which made Covid rhyme with emptiness. The result runs throughout these pagesand is impressive.Since then, the silence has cleared, the men and women have reinvested in their city, afterall it is theirs and they have missed it…
But let us never forget this enchanted parenthesis that Stéphane Gizard allows us to relive in this beautiful book.
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